I thought I would post about what has been happening in our neck of the woods since I have been so busy lately.
The unpacking is all done...yay! Still a little bit of decorating to do, but almost there. I'm very happy with the way the house is turning out. :o) We LOVE our new home!
After a day's flight delay due to snow in Chicago that was connecting with her Philadelphia flight to Florida, DD#2, Rachel, and grandson, Anthony, finally made it to Florida. To make up for their flight being a day late, they were upgraded to first class. They enjoyed that a lot! They are now permanent residents in Florida! YAY! We're all soooo happy! Now both my girls and my grandson are only 30 minutes away. :o) Rachel and Anthony are spending 2 weeks with us and then they will be staying with DD#1, Heather, and her hubby Jerry until they find a place of their own. They plan on residing in Titusville, so that works out great. Anthony starts school there on Tuesday, 1/6.
WONDERFUL is the only way to describe it! It was awesome having the whole family together for a Christmas. It's been too many years to count since that has happened. We all spent the night at the in-laws and woke together on Christmas morning. It was exciting for everyone to see the look on Anthony's face as he saw the tree with all the presents that Santa left. Priceless. :o) Presents were passed around and opened and Santa was very generous. I must have been an exceptionally good girl this past year as I was shocked to receive a Viking Designer Diamond and Huskylock 936 serger with coverstitch capability and a freearm. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd receive such extravagant gifts! As for the meal, Heather and I cooked and everyone else pitched in cleaning up afterwards. Hubby's brother Jeff and his wife, Linda, arrived for dessert and that made Chris's family complete. I was so happy for him to be so excited, healthy and blessed after all he's been through the past two years. I truly praised the Lord that day.
Fun Stuff
We are enjoying our new community to the fullest and have been to the pool several times. LOVE IT! It's so funny to see Anthony in the pool. He would never leave it if he had his way. LOL! In addition, every Thursday from 1-4pm is a quilting/sewing get-together at the Clubhouse. I've met several of the wonderful ladies and plan on attending regularly beginning in the new year. I haven't been quilting or sewing at all since I really want to get the house settled before focusing on anything else, but I have big plans for the new year and hope I can accomplish my resolutions. I also want to utilize their fitness center and maybe even take some of their aquatic aerobic classes.
Well, that's it for now,
3 hours ago