Happy 2009 everyone! May it be the best ever! :o)
In traditional New Year style, I have a few resolutions. I use the term "resolution" loosely since they usually don't come to fruition. How about New Year "hopefuls" instead? LOL! Some are health-related and others are quilting/sewing-related. The usual in a quilter's life, right? :o)
Anyway, maybe if I write them down for all to see I may actually achieve a few. Hehehehe.
Here goes:
First and foremost -- get healthier. Of course that means eating better and losing weight. In order to actually achieve this one, I have no specific goal here other than to eat a bit less at each sitting, enjoy more fruits and veges and less junk food, work in more exercise-related activities and weigh less at the end of the year than I weigh now. Doable, right? We'll see. LOL!
Next are the quilting-related hopefuls. I actually have specific goals for this one, but I'm keeping it real. For each new quilting project I start, it must be finished completely -- quilted, bound and labeled (sending out to be quilted counts, too) -- and then the next project must be a UFO -- UFO constititues anything listed as a UFO or Kit to the right of my blog. If the UFO is not yet in "completed top" phase, it must make it to "completed top" phase before starting a new project. If the UFO is already in "completed top" phase, it must be quilted, bound and labeled before moving on to a new project. Also, I want to try to make new projects using as much of my wonderful stash as possible to complete the project. That's not saying I can't purchase what I need for that project if something just isn't working from my stash, or if I don't want to piece my backing and want it to be one solid fabric. Let's be real, here. LOL!
For sewing-related hopefuls, there are a few of those as well. I'd like to start making myself clothing again. No goals, just something here or there that strikes my fancy. I want to enjoy the process. :o) I also want to make more doll clothing. I enjoy it immensely and find it extremely fun and creative. No specific goals for this hopeful, either. Just having fun with it. Plus, it will help deplete some of my vast fabric stash. :o)
Anyway, there you have it. My New Year "hopefuls." Do you have any?
Wish me luck!