I opened my e-mail this morning and what to my wondering eyes should appear but an e-mail from the Fat Quarter Shop notifying me that I was one of the three winners of a $100 Gift Certificate for my Butterfly Bliss Quilt for the Somerset Mini-Charms Contest. What!?!?! Holy freeholy! Knock me over with a feather! Needless to say, I'm...
The mystery is moving along quickly now. We're at Clue 5, with Clue 6 coming on Friday. I wouldn't be surprised if the upcoming clue was the final clue, along with the BIG REVEAL. I'm so excited to see how all the puzzle pieces will come together. Bonnie's mysteries never disappoint, so I'm sure it will be a stunner!
So here was this week's clue. Fast and fun 4-patches. Quick and easy. I'm glad for it as I am itching to get moving on other projects.
Speaking of other projects, here's one that I pulled out this morning and arranged into rows before I hopped into the shower. One of my girlfriends and I are teaching Bonnie's Scrappy Mountains Majesties in a class in March and I need to get this done. We are both doing different versions to show the quilters a couple different variations that you can achieve by rotating the blocks. This is mine using Civil War fabrics. It will possibly get a border. I'll know more once I sew the rows together and it speaks to me. Hers is done with reds and whites with all the "logs" going in the same direction. They are very different, but will be equally beautiful.
Oh -- and I'll have an exciting announcement in a separate post later today. *Squee!*
I usually hate doing dishes -- but when it comes to quilting it's a different story. :o)
Clue 4 is more Broken Dishes blocks -- only in a slightly different colorway from Clue 1. This Clue has two versions with different orientations. I'm just about done with one version (ironing the seams now), and the other is patiently awaiting final assembly. Shouldn't be long before I'm all caught up again. My sewing room is a disaster area, but I couldn't be happier. *grin*
As happy as I am to see green introduced, I surely hope there's no more in this quilt -- I only have a strip left measuring about 4" x wof. Yikes! Talk about cutting it close. No pun intended. Lol.
This was/is a nice easy clue. I've done one strip set so far and have the other strips cut and ready to sew. Wanted to make sure everything was measuring up and oriented correctly. I'm sure I'll be able to conquer this clue by the end of today.
I have to keep telling myself the little mantra that I tell all my quilting students: "It's not a race; it's a beauty contest." Just take your time and try to do your best. There are so many people posting to our Quiltville Facebook Group agonizing over these chevron units. I sure hope they realize there is no such thing as perfection before they totally give up on this quilt and, actually, the whole purpose of quilting...as our creative outlet, our therapy, etc., etc. I hope they can just enjoy, and not let the pursuit of perfection take away the joy of the process. After all, there is no deadline for this quilt. We can just print out the instructions for each clue and tackle them as time and circumstances allow.
Anyway, getting off my soapbox and back to our regularly scheduled program...
I have 32 completed units so far. Just about a third of the way there. Maybe I'll get more done today, maybe not. I'm not worried about being all caught up before the next clue is out tomorrow. And, nope, not all my units are spot on where the intersections meet. But... I'm going to enjoy the process, darn it! :o)
Tomorrow I'm travelling with my Dad to go visit with my Uncle Dick (his brother) and my Aunt Mim. It will be a fun day out. Probably no sewing, but we'll see what the day brings.
Bonnie Hunter posted Clue 1 on Friday -- and the excitement around the world commenced. LOL! I hadn't had a chance to really sit and play until yesterday. Spent the majority of the day cutting and sewing. I'm happy to say I am halfway there! 50 blocks are completely done with another 50 ready to be assembled. Using my Accuquilt made cutting all the units quick work. That way I was able to spend more time sewing. I should have the rest together hopefully by the end of today. Wheeee! :o)
As I mentioned previously, I am foregoing the scrappy route this time and making all the fabric choices constant. I am really loving how they play together so far.
If you want to join in on the fun (if you're not already), Bonnie's instructions for this year's Mystery can be found here.
The designs and information on this site are not to be reproduced by any means or used for personal gain without the express consent of the copyright owner.
I am a retired 60-year old widow with two lovely, grown daughters. I am also blessed with a wonderful teenaged grandson, and two beautiful step-granddaughters, or granddaughters-in-love, as I choose to view it. *Grin* Happily, we all reside in Florida within 30 minutes of one another.
I also have an energetic Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix, Tasha. I don't know what I would do without her. She brings me constant joy.