A couple friends and I headed off to the Orlando Quilt Show yesterday. It was a very fun day with much walking, walking and more walking. Got my steps in, no problem. LOL. The quilts were wonderful, although there were many more art-type quilts than traditional, so I was a bit disappointed in that. It was a wonderful show, though, and we had a great time. We got there around 10am-ish and left around 3:30pm-ish. Afterwards, we went to a lovely outside mall near the Convention Center. They had a ton of wonderful restaurants and we chose to eat dinner at Taverna Opa, a mouthwatering authentic Greek restaurant. The food was the best I ever had. The three of us were trying each other's dishes, all delish. We couldn't stop raving. Then after dinner we walked around a bit and stopped in Ben and Jerrys for some ice cream to top off a spectacular day. Here is a picture of my purchases. A couple Christmas-themed patterns, some tiny buttons for doll clothes, two Island Batik layer cakes at the unheard of price of $30 each, and a bunch of neutral fabrics (of which you can never have enough). The first row are all fat quarters I got for $1.50 each, the second row are fat quarters that ranged in price from $2.00 to $2.75 each, and the two sweet little kittie cat patterned ones are half-yard cuts. I love them so much I had to get them in fat quarter and half-yard sizes. Teeheehee.
And here are a few of the quilts that caught my eye. So much talent and beauty. Click on them to biggie size them.
First, let me say I don't make New Year resolutions. They never, ever happen -- at least in my case. LOL. But I do make a goal or two. If I make it, great; if not, I tried... One of my goals this year was to venture outside my comfort zone. How, you may ask? Well, I decided to submit a quilt pattern I designed to McCall's Quilting Magazine. I drafted it one day during the last week of December and and held my breath as I sent the e-mail with a picture of the pattern as I drafted it in EQ and a mock-up of a block I had made in the fabrics I chose. Scary stuff, right there. A few days later I get an e-mail back saying that they had received my submission, and that they would consider it the next time they got together to choose patterns to publish in future issues. I figured it would be quite a while until I heard from them again, let alone at all. I can only imagine all the work and time that goes into prepping and publishing national magazines. Imagine my surprise when I checked my e-mail yesterday (a week after the first initial "thank you for your submission"), and they said they wanted to purchase it for publication! As you can also imagine, I am beyond excited! Obviously, I can't share my design here, as they will have all rights to it until it appears in the magazine, as well as for 90 days following publication. After that the magazine and I both retain publication rights and if I want to sell patterns or whatever, I can; and they can republish in future publications if they desire. I have a lot of paperwork to do, but I guess that's the nature of the beast. This is all very new to me. Exciting, but scary. An untravelled road. I can't recall who said it, but this quote comes to mind: "Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid to try." So I'm trying.. :o) My other goal was to sew more for my dolls. I really do enjoy the instant gratification it brings. This is my latest that I made a couple days ago. At least there is a picture with this post now, so it won't be totally boring...
The designs and information on this site are not to be reproduced by any means or used for personal gain without the express consent of the copyright owner.
I am a retired 60-year old widow with two lovely, grown daughters. I am also blessed with a wonderful teenaged grandson, and two beautiful step-granddaughters, or granddaughters-in-love, as I choose to view it. *Grin* Happily, we all reside in Florida within 30 minutes of one another.
I also have an energetic Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix, Tasha. I don't know what I would do without her. She brings me constant joy.