Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Wind Through My Hair...

Well, things are about to get real down around here.  My house is going to be pummeled by Hurricane Matthew.  Storm surges of 7-11 feet and wind speeds up to 145mph.  Currently a Category 4 storm, but forecasters have been throwing around the possibility that it could increase to a 5, as it is regenerating and getting stronger.  Only time will tell...

This is the "calm" before the storm.  These winds are nothing, as the monster storm isn't set to hit my neck of the woods until later tonight and tomorrow.

Please keep me, my family, all my friends, and everyone else in Matthew's path in your prayers.

Blowin' in the wind,

1 comment:

Jackie's Stitches said...

How are things down there Suzy? I'm in Jax and while we are fortunate, the beaches have had serious damage. Sending you a hug.