Hi, all. We're going to visit my Uncle Dick and Aunt Mim in Port St. Lucie today. My Dad is really looking forward to it as he hasn't seen his brother in quite awhile. We'll be gone most of the day. I won't have time to sew, but that doesn't mean I won't be thinking about it. LOL!
Anywho, I have a decision to make and wanted to run it by you and get your thoughts. Which border treatment should I go with for my latest UFO project? I'm just keeping it simple so I can get this sucker done. :o)
Version 1
Version 2
I'm leaning toward version 2 because then I can treat both the inner and outer borders as one and sew them on together at one time. Lazy? Yes, I know. LOL!Which do you prefer?Decisions, decisions...Suzy