Well, the big breath we've been holding has now been let out in a big sigh of relief. Yes, my hubby's cancer has increased in size but nothing significant, although the activity level is much higher. However, it HAS NOT SPREAD! So we're as happy, happy, happy as we can be while living in this land of cancer. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers! They are working! :o)
In going through some of my photos on my computer, I came across a quilt I had done back in January 2007. I've been wanting to add my finished quilts (the ones that I have access to anyway) to my blog for awhile now, just never got around to it as of yet; simply because some I have pictures of somewhere in this mess and others I have yet to take pictures of. So, I will start adding them one by one as I can. Below is "Redwork Flowers." I had a fun time making this as it was all out of stash fabric and I got a chance to use my embroidery machine for the flowers. I used my EQ program to design it. It measures 26x26.
They will eventually all be listed to the right of my blog under...wow...imagine that..."Finished Quilts." LOL! I originally wanted to do a slideshow, but I can't figure it out. Duh...
Okay, I admit it. I'm a big kid who still likes dolls. I love to make clothes for them and dress them. Luckily, I also have a 6-year old niece who loves dolls too and I can lavish her with many, many cute outfits. These two outfits will be winging their way to her in the mail soon. Think she'll like them?
Thanks everyone for your well-wishes and prayers regarding my hubby's cancer. I've been sewing for some therapy. Guess what top I finally got done? My Keepsake Squares top! WooHoo!
The buttons are only placed on for an idea of how they will look once the top is quilted. Don't want to have to maneuver the top with buttons on it while it's being quilted, now, do we? Can you say tricky along with broken needles? LOL!
My hubby's recent PET scan came back not so great. His cancer has increased in size. We asked if it has spread as well, but they wouldn't go over it on the phone. They want to see him. So we have an appointment on July 31. We're trying to be positive and should actually consider ourselves very lucky that he's had the past 16 months with no changes, but reality and mortality have reared their ugly heads.
Much as I've wanted to join a few blocks of the months hosted by other quilt bloggers, such as AmandaJean and Judy, my guilty conscience always nags at me that I have plenty to finish up in my own closet(s). So, here I am...diligently working on one of my UFO blocks of the month -- Spice Meadows by JoAnn Fabrics. As I sew them, I remember why I don't purchase their BOMs anymore -- their cutting is very inaccurate. We quilters know no matter how precise our 1/4" seam allowance, if they aren't cut correctly to begin with, then it's a losing battle. Luckily I got these on the clearance rack last year at like 60% off or something crazy like that.
Anywho, here are 8 of them all pieced as well as I could given my constraints. LOL!
The one saving grace is I really like the colors. I have 4 more pieced blocks to go and then the center appliqued block. Then I can add the sashing, borders, blah, blah, blah. :o) Can you tell I'm not really gung ho on this one? The imprecise cutting really has me down. Someone help me get over it already!
Yep. That's why I haven't updated my blog lately. Between putting the house on the market, house showings, open houses, family events, etc., I've just been a bit busy, busy, busy. I did manage to squeeze in some sewing yesterday and this morning, so I'll have another post forthcoming with pictures of my project in progress. Meanwhile, I have to skedaddle (or however you spell it - LOL) and tidy up for another house showing this afternoon. I have a good feeling about this one. No special reason...just sayin.
The designs and information on this site are not to be reproduced by any means or used for personal gain without the express consent of the copyright owner.
I am a retired 60-year old widow with two lovely, grown daughters. I am also blessed with a wonderful teenaged grandson, and two beautiful step-granddaughters, or granddaughters-in-love, as I choose to view it. *Grin* Happily, we all reside in Florida within 30 minutes of one another.
I also have an energetic Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix, Tasha. I don't know what I would do without her. She brings me constant joy.