I know I've been MIA for a bit, but I've been working on a lot of things behind the scenes that I haven't been able to share with you all. Finally, I can share one thing; and hopefully there will be more soon.
The Opportunity Quilt for my Guild, Seaside Piecemakers, is finally complete and was up for display at our Guild meeting today. I did all the piecing and assembly, another member, Priscilla, did the applique, and another member and close friend, Laurel, did the quilting. I'm so proud of the finished product. We used a Linda Hahn design from her book "Rock That Quilt Block - Hourglass" (with her permission -- she is also a member of our Guild), but I was asked to change up the border by the Quilt Committee, as they wanted to go in a bit different route. So I played around in my trusty EQ7 program for awhile, and this is the result. I sure hope we sell lots of raffle tickets. Our charity this year is Deveraux.
Tickled purple,
1 hour ago