A couple of my girlfriends and I met at my house today and worked on a charity quilt (girly colors). This was our progress as we broke for lunch around 2pm (as noted on the grandfather clock, LOL)...
And this was our progress as we broke for the day at 5pm (also as noted on the grandfather clock, LOL)...
We have 21 of the 63 blocks needed for the quilt; so we are a third of the way there. I will work on more tomorrow on my own as I'm apparently not as much of a speed demon as are my girlfriends. Hehehehe. They are really fun to sew and I made a paper-piecing pattern for us which made it easier to use with scraps -- no precutting necessary. :o) This will be our Wednesday project for awhile. After we make this girly one, we will make a charity quilt geared more toward a boy. Maybe using a spiderweb block or something to that effect. Charity quiltin', Suzy
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I am a retired 60-year old widow with two lovely, grown daughters. I am also blessed with a wonderful teenaged grandson, and two beautiful step-granddaughters, or granddaughters-in-love, as I choose to view it. *Grin* Happily, we all reside in Florida within 30 minutes of one another.
I also have an energetic Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix, Tasha. I don't know what I would do without her. She brings me constant joy.