In the middle of my menagerie of UFOs, I got sidetracked. *hangs head in shame* But I saw this cute little quilt on Pinterest and instantly fell in love. The snippet description with the picture indicates this was from a book by Karen Costello Soltys called "Bits and Pieces." I don't know how accurate that information is, as we all know Pinterest allows people to pin whatever descriptions they want when they re-pin pictures. But I did want to give credit to the designer, just in case it is accurate.
Here is the picture as posted on Pinterest:
And, here is my interpretation. It still needs to be quilted. I absolutely adore it, and for that reason, am naming it "J'Adore." It does look kinda French to me -- I guess it should...with the exception of the polka-dotted background, I did use French General fabrics. *grin*
I also was able to use the "Queen of Hearts" Accuquilt Die (55325) to cut all the hearts. What a time-saver! This cute little quilt top went together very quickly! And, since I used charm squares to cut the hearts, I was able to cut smaller hearts from the scraps using the same Die for a future project...
Cuteness overload,
2 hours ago