I can't believe I've been MIA for three months. I had to deal with a serious family crisis. Things are much better now, so here I am. I have been doing a little quilting, though not as much as usual.
My Christmas project-a-month basically got put on hold, but that's okay. I'm still ahead of the game with three tops completed, since I didn't have any when I started in January. Well, actually I finished one of the quilts -- all quilted and bound -- and another is partially quilted. I'm still working on it. The third is basted and waiting it's turn. I have a fourth still in the piecing process.
Here is the finished quilt: Tumbling Toward Christmas. I'm very happy with how it turned out.
I'll have more to show and share hopefully later this week.
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I am a retired 60-year old widow with two lovely, grown daughters. I am also blessed with a wonderful teenaged grandson, and two beautiful step-granddaughters, or granddaughters-in-love, as I choose to view it. *Grin* Happily, we all reside in Florida within 30 minutes of one another.
I also have an energetic Yorkshire Terrier/Bichon Frise mix, Tasha. I don't know what I would do without her. She brings me constant joy.