Our quilt guild is having their bi-annual show on March 12 and 13, 2010. We are 300 members strong and it is a huge show with a lot of work involved (that's why we only hold one every other year). I give them major kudos for their organization. Amazing! I would say the majority (if not all) of the active members support the show in one form or another. This is my first year with the guild and I'm wading in the shallow end this time, just getting my feet wet.
I've signed up to spend several hours at the small quilt raffle booth and also am donating a small quilt to be raffled. I've just finished it up and here it is!

I call it "In Bloom" and I had a blast making it. It was hard to decide what I was going to make, as the quilt can't be any larger than 15"x15", which is exactly what "In Bloom" measures. I hope we raise lots of money and I can't wait to go to the show and see all the beautiful quilts our members made. There will be vendors there, as well as food, raffle booths, a boutique with small handmade items, lectures and demonstrations, doll exhibit, quilt appraisals, wearable art and I almost forgot to mention this is also a judged show. Maybe next show I'll even enter a quilt in the show! :o) We also have a GORGEOUS opportunity quilt that members worked on and the proceeds go to benefit the Cancer Care Centers of Brevard Foundation. In case you are in the area, more information is available at www.seasidepiecemakers.com.
I'll be sure to take many pictures once the show is finally here and I'll, of course, post and share.
Blooming with happiness,
P.S. Don't forget about my giveaway! Last postings due by midnight EST tonite! See my blog entry below...